Pedantic Puritans have captured college campuses

It’s time to throw the rulebook at the Rulers.

Ethan Clay Holliman
2 min readSep 29, 2021

Well, it’s official. UF Law has declared me a heretic. I’m a scoundrel among scoundrels. I’m an unhinged and unconscientious objector. And for my blasphemy, I deserve excommunication from the Church of Law.

Why, you ask?

I skipped class. 🤭

Apparently, I’m in violation of school policy by refusing to attend class “in-person” amid a purportedly virulent pandemic. And because I’m unwilling to play ball and follow my marching orders like an obedient soldier, I deserve to be “dropped.”

I shit you not. 💩

Naturally, The Administration claims that the American Bar Association (ABA) “requires” in-person attendance. Thus, they claim they’re just following orders. How convenient, right?

University Administrators love to blame the “rules” for their cruelty. Why? Because life’s easier when you can deflect blame for your actions by appealing to a Higher Power. Why think critically when you can just mindlessly defer to scripture to “solve” a problem. It’s so convenient. So simple. Even robots can do it. 🤖

EXCEPT for those on the receiving end of those religious dictates. They aren’t so “efficient” for student serfs like me. Meanwhile, as I fight for what little dignity I have left, I’m forced to dispute the merits of such rules WITHOUT COMPENSATION.

Administrators, on the other hand, get paid exorbitant salaries and benefits to haphazardly enforce “rules” that bog the rest of us down. Worse still, they often think they’re doing the “right thing.” As a result, administrators are often stripped of their humanity as they callously enforce rules with no genuine appreciation for their consequences.

Luckily, new insights from the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment indicate that the key to dispelling the Zombie-like trance of bureaucrats is to educate them. We must inform them that what they’re doing is cultish and destructive. Unfortunately, this often takes time that student serfs can ill afford to spare.

Well, call me crazy, but I’ve decided to take on the challenge of infiltrating the Cult of Credentialism and salvage what’s left of its humanity. I can’t guarantee I’ll survive unscathed, but I know in my heart it’s worth the fight.

However, I can’t wage this war on my own. It’s time to unite with our fellow apostates and litigate this case not only in the Court of Law but also in the Court of Public Opinion. Our constitutional rights and dignity as sovereign citizens depend on it.



Ethan Clay Holliman

Estranged affiliate of the Cult of Credentialism - Partial MBA, JD, and MA in Public Affairs